We'd like to thank you all for helping us adapt to our new environment, routines, and carline so quickly.
Our students are excited to be here and we could not be more proud. We are now starting to plan community events like Back to School Night, Mental Health Workshops and more! Reminders
All children need to bring a backpack, a snack, and a re-fillable water bottle to school.
Please label your children’s belongings so that they are easier to identify and return to you if they get lost.
Please drop off your child(ren) between 7:45am and 8:10am.
Please do not enter the carline from Palisades Street as it will cause major traffic disruption and safety concerns.
Be patient with other drivers, they are very likely part of our community.
Plan in advance so that you can drop your child(ren) off in a timely manner.
This year, one of our goals is to increase our focus on wellness and nutrition. We ask that you do not send your child to school with junk food like Oreos, Hot Cheetos, Taki’s or sodas.
If you would like to sign your child up for free COVID testing which will start next week, please fill this form out. IHD labs will be here every Thursday for testing.
To email our administrative team, email admin@almafuerteps.org
Email anything related to attendance to: attendance@almafuerteps.org
Email anything related to after-school to: afterschool@almafuerteps.org
Aeries Parent Portal
The Aeries Parent Portal is the best way to keep our school informed of changes in address, telephone numbers, and contacts. We ask that you please take a look at it again and make sure that all of your information is up to date. We want to make sure that you add multiple emergency contacts, and that you let us know if your child has any health issues/ allergies/ dietary restrictions.
Absences or excessive tardies for any reason affect your child’s education and reduce opportunities for success in school. Tardies also interrupt instruction and interfere with the learning environment for all pupils. We expect to see H.E.R.O.Es, as in students that are Here, Everyday, Ready and On Time!
Coffee Collective
Join us for our 1st Coffee Collective of the Year!
The Coffee Collective is our school's organic version of a PTA. We get together to meet other families, plan events, volunteer, and create the school our children deserve. Join us on Wednesday August 31st from 3-4pm. Please bring treats to share with others!
Save the Date!
Thursday September 22nd, join us for an International Potluck and Hispanic Heritage Celebration! Join the Coffee Collective to Volunteer!